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Learning Facts or Exploring Discourses - Can Culture Be Taught?


Please register if you wish to participate in the workshop Learning Facts Or Exploring Discourses - Can Culture Be Taught? by Björn Kasper.

Please do not forget to submit your answers at the end of the registration.


Learning Facts Or Exploring Discourses - Can Culture Be Taught? (26.11.2021, 14:00 - 17:00 CET)

How do we empower students to be capable not only of engaging but actively participating in the cultural surrounding of the target language? After presenting and discussing some theoretical groundwork, basic concepts and major developments in the field of Cultural Learning in the foreign language classroom based on the current research approaches in the field of cultural studies, this workshop intends to provide a hands-on interactive learning experience. The objective is to identify and trace steps of Cultural Learning by using some didacticised material as well as authentic material from everyday media and pop culture. Finally, theory shall be put into practice by designing and reflecting on an own basic lesson plan to take away.

Personal Data
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What is your status at university?
What is your department/ institute?
Would you like to receive a certificate for participating in the workshop(s)?